
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

weekend with them

Last weekend aku jumpe rakan2 seperjuangan mase diploma dulu.miss them so much.
Actly tnk jumpe dorg.sbb rase segan la plakk.dorg tgh degree.but aku?diploma je kottt..durh...but finally lpk jugak ngn dorg.2 ari dok sana.tu pun x cukup lagi tu.ramai lagi clsmate aku x jumpe.too many things aku telepas rupenye.macam2 gosip.siap shoppink dlm umah dorg.well,aku skunk da boleh pakai jeans size 25.proud of it!jgn jeles beb.huhuww..btw it's fun spent time with them.gurl,miss u a lots!.i will cont my degree.i will~


  1. hehe do what u want as long ur happy... =)

  2. wow..ajiah cekci tuh..teringat gak time ak duk umah diorg b4 kte grad dulu.. miss u all too!

  3. fotogedix credit to cik nad kita~~


hey it's you!